Anti-Osteoporosis Drugs Found To Be Dangerous


 Fosamax, Actonel, and Reclast Under Fire A recent government study has found that taking anti-osteoporosis drugs such as Fosamax, Actonel and Reclast for 3 to 5 years may actually do more harm than good reports The New England Journal of Medicine. These medications may be particularly harmful to people with only mild bone loss and it [...]

Prozac and Pregnancy


Prozac Update Prozac and breastfeeding A recent study by researchers at University of Arizona found a link with women who take antidepressants, such as Prozac, and a decrease in breastfeeding. It is suggested that depressive disorders and/or taking antidepressants while pregnant may cause a decline in the number of women choosing to breastfeed. In fact,the [...]

Zoloft Update

Zoloft Lawyer/Recalled Drugs/ Zoloft Side Effects

Zoloft Update: Research reported in the online edition the journal Frontiers in Evolutionary Psychology (4/27/12) questions the effectiveness and safety of well known antidepressant medications. The study states that the benefits of these drugs are overshadowed by the potential risks they pose. In short, the study concludes that antidepressants such as Zoloft, do more harm than good. Zoloft: Approved [...]

Actos Cancer Warning Update

Actos lawsuit/ Actos side effects/ Actos Update

Canada Adds Bladder Cancer Warning to Actos Label Canada Health warns public of bladder cancer risks and heart failure when using the diabetic drug Actos. In June of 2011 both France and Germany  issued a recall on Takeda Pharmaceutical’s Actos.  At that time Canada opted to wait and do a safety review on the diabetes drug. [...]

Pradaxa Side Effects Under FDA Investigation

Pradaxa / The Maher Law Firm

Pradaxa Side Effects – FDA Update In December of 2011 the FDA conducted an investigation of reports of patients using Pradaxa in order to see if the rate of serious side effects is greater than first projected by the manufacturer. Pradaxa, a blood thinner, became available in the U.S. in October 2010.  It is used [...]


Pradaxa/ Blood Clots/ Blood Thinners

Pradaxa (Dabigatran) What Is Pradaxa? Pradaxa is a medicine to keep your blood from coagulating (clotting) in order to prevent dangerous blood clots. Pradaxa also increases  the chances of bleeding to occur, even from minor injury. Avoid activities that may increase your risk of bleeding or injury while taking Pradaxa. Pradaxa Side Effects Pradaxa users [...]

Yaz and Yasmin Birth Control Pill Settlement

Yaz, Yasmin, Ocella / RxRecall / The Maher Law Firm

Yaz and Yasmin Birth Control Pill Settlement of 500 Cases Reported for $110 Million It was reported in Bloomberg  on Friday that Bayer AG, the manufacturer of the blockbuster birth control drugs, Yaz and Yasmin has settled about 500 lawsuits arising out of blood clot injuries alleged to have been caused by the drugs.  It [...]

Pradaxa Thrombin Inhibitor

Pradaxa / The Maher Law Firm

PRADAXA One month after 50 cases of fatal bleeding incidents were reported, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced that it will conduct a complete safety review of the drug, Pradaxa (dabigatran). Pradaxa is an oral direct thrombin inhibitor that is used to prevent stroke in patients suffering from non valvular atrial fibrillation. The FDA’s [...]

Antidepressants May Pose High Blood Pressure Threat To Pregnant Women

pregnancy and antidepressants

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Risk Increased By Antidepressant Use, Paxil Has Highest Risk Many women suffer from depression while pregnant.  The depression can become severe enough that prescription antidepressants are prescribed. Pregnancy induced hypertension (high blood pressure) risk is increased by the use of antidepressants reports The New York Times.   The British Journal for Clinical [...]

FDA Uncovers Counterfeit Cancer Drug Avastin

counterfeit drugs/rxrecall/the maher law firm

Counterfeit Avastin Marketed as Altuzan in US The FDA has uncovered another batch of counterfeit cancer drug Avastin reports The Wall Street Journal.  The fakes have been packaged in Altuzan packaging, which is the Turkish name for Avastin. “Patients receiving cancer drugs or other drugs not approved by the FDA for the U.S. market may [...]