High Risk of Heart Attack Added to List of Chantix Side Effects

According to a new study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal on Tuesday, the anti-smoking drug, Chantix, could substantially increase a patient’s risk of being hospitalized for a heart attack. The new information is based on the review and analysis 14 previously completed studies, including more than 8,200 healthy individuals taking Chantix or a placebo. The data revealed that the risk of heart problems increased by 72 percent in patients taking the drug, when compared to those taking a placebo. While previous studies showed the drug did, in fact, raise the risk for heart attack in patients who already had heart disease, the new research clearly identifies the elevated risks for serious heart problems to occur even in healthy patients.

The study’s leading researcher, Dr. Sonal Singh, said in a statement, “People want to quit smoking to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease but in this case they’re taking a drug that increases the risk for the very problems they’re trying to avoid.”

Chantix, also known as varenicline, is manufactured by pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, and has been proven to help people quit smoking. The drug is no stranger to scrutiny, as it is known to increase the risk of suicidal thoughts in patients and also carries an FDA warning on its box.

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