Fungal Meningitis 24 Have Died 10/26/2012

meningitis | fungal meningitis | The Maher Law Firm | Frank EidsonWhat might be the first case of Fungal Meningitis in South Carolina has been identified

Dr. Linda Bell, and interim epidemiologist with the State Department of Health and Environmental Control, stated that the patient “is being treated with anti-fungal medications based on treatment guidelines recommended by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.” even though additional testing is needed to confirm the diagnosis.

The tainted epidural steroid injection manufactured at The New England Compounding Center (NECC) in Framingham, Massachusetts, was shipped to more than 1,200 facilities, was administered to as many as 14,000 people, has sickened 328 people in 18 states and killed 24.

The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are still conducting investigations regarding the fungal meningitis outbreak.

Meningitis Symptoms:

Fungal meningitis is not transmitted person to person ( it is not contagious) while bacterial and viral meningitis are.  Sign of meningitis include, but may not be limited to:  Fever, Headache, Dizziness, Nausea, Stiff Neck, Numbness, Sensitivity to Light and Slurred Speech.

What To Do If you Had A Spinal Injection Recently:

Contact your physician, it is extremely important to seek medical help immediately.  Do not hesitate, get help.




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