Dietary Supplement Reumofan found to be Dangerous

Reumofan/ The Maher Law Firm / Frank EidsonFDA Warns Not To Use Reumofan Dietary Supplement

The dietary supplement, Reumofan, is marketed as a natural remedy for muscle pain and arthritis.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning for consumers not to use Reumofan.  This comes after the FDA received reports of bleeding, stroke and death among users of the supplement.

Reumofan products are manufactured in Mexico and sold over the internet and at U.S. retail stores.

The FDA says that the supplement actually contains prescription drugs.  A chemical analysis shows that Reumofan contains the muscle relaxant methocarbomal and the anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone.  Mixing these drugs with other medications can pose life threatening side effects in some patients.

The FDA initially warned consumers of this supplement in June 2012, however complications with the medication is still being reported. 

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